Wednesday, 23 November 2016

RFID Based Book Tracking System BIBLIOGRAPHY



·        Daniel McPherson and Vinod Chachra. “Personal privacy and use of RFID technology in libraries”. White Paper, VTLS Inc., October 2003
·        Stephan Engberg, Morten Harning, and Christian Damsgaard Jensen.” Privacy & security enhanced RFID preserving business value and consumer convenience”. In The Second Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, New Brunswick, Canada, October 2004.
·        A.Cerino and W.P. Walsh. “Research and application of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to enhance aviation security”. In National Aerospace and Electronics Conference NAECON 2000.
·        M.M.Ollivier. “RFID a new solution technology for security problems”. European Convention on Security and Detection May 1995.
Campbell, Brian. "Background Information on RFID and Automated Book Sorting" Vancouver. B.C, Vancouver Public Library. November 12, 2003.


It is quite clear from the above discussion that an RFID system may be a comprehensive system that addresses both the security and materials tracking needs of a library. RFID in the library is not a threat if best practices guidelines followed religiously, that it speeds up book borrowing and inventories and frees staff to do more user-service tasks. The technology saves money too and quickly gives a return on investment.

It is important to educate library staff and library users about RFID technology before implementing a program. It may be good for librarians to watch developments in RFID until the cost of tags comes down to $.20 or less, the figure which some librarians have determined is the key to their serious consideration of it.

 While library RFID systems have a great deal in common with one another, including the use of high frequency (13.56 MHz), passive, read-write tags, lack of a standard and compatibility of tags produced by different vendors is a major problem in implementation of RFID in libraries. Current standards (ISO 15693) apply to container-level tagging used in supply chain applications and do not address problems of tracking and hot listing. Next generation tags (ISO 18000) are designed for item level tagging. The newer tags are capable of resolving many of the privacy problems of today's tags. However, no library RFID products are currently available using the new standard. Both cost and equipment may make RFID prohibitive in developing countries at this time.

RFID is said by many in the industry to be the frontrunner technology for automatic identification and data collection. The biggest, as of yet unproven, benefit would ultimately be in the consumer goods supply chain where an RFID tag attached to a consumer product could be tracked from manufacturing to the retail store right to the consumer's home. 

Many see RFID as a technology in its infancy with an untapped potential. While we may talk of its existence and the amazing ways in which this technology can be put to use, until there are more standards set within the industry and the cost of RFID technology comes down we won't see RFID systems reaching near their full potential anytime soon.

RFID Based Book Tracking System CHAPTER 6 APPENDIX


6.1 Guidelines to Utilize the RFID Technology:
As libraries are implementing RFID systems, it is important to develop best practices guidelines to utilize the technology in best way and to keep the privacy concern away. The following may be the best practices guidelines for library RFID use (Berkeley Public Library n.d., Ayre 2004):
  • The Library should be open about its use of RFID technology including providing publicly available documents stating the rational for using RFID, objectives of its use and associated policies and procedure and who to contact with questions.
  • Signs should be pasted at all facilities using RFID. The signs should inform the public that RFID technology is in use, the types of usage and a statement of protection of privacy and how this technology differs from other information collection methods.
  • Only authorized personnel should have access to the RFID system.
  • No personal information should be stored on the RFID tag.
  • Information describing the tagged item should be encrypted on the tag even if the data is limited to a serial number
  • No static information should be contained on the tag (bar code, manufacturer number) that can be read by unauthorized readers
  • All communication between tag and reader should be encrypted via a unique encryption key.
  • All RFID readers in the library should be clearly marked.
  • ISO 18000 mode-2 tags should be used rather than ISO 15693

 Project : RfIdBook  -- Rfid Based Book Tracking system.
 Version : 1.0
 Author  : 1. N.NAGARJUNA REDDY   
# include <p89v51rd2.h>
# include "LcdV2.h"
# include "eeprom.h"

# define NO_OF_CARDS 5 
# define RX_BUF_SIZE    20
# define RFID_CODE_SIZE 10
# define CR_LF_SIZE     2
# define DEBUG 1

unsigned char gucBookNumber[10], gucStudNumber[10];
unsigned char gucRxCount = 0;
unsigned char gucReadFlag = 0;
unsigned char gucDisplayFlag = 0;
unsigned char gucRxBuf[RX_BUF_SIZE];
unsigned char gucWriteAddr[2];
unsigned char gucBookName[5],gucStudName[5];

void DisplayVersion();
void SerialInit(void);
unsigned char ReadCard(unsigned char *ucCardNum);
void StoreEeprom(unsigned char *ucBookNumber, unsigned char *ucStudentNumber);
void ReadEeprom(unsigned char ucPage, unsigned char ucOffSet, unsigned char *ucBookNumber, unsigned char *ucStudentNumber);
void CardName(unsigned char *ucCardNumber, unsigned char *ucCardName);
void DisplayData(void);
void ClearEeProm(void);
void external0() interrupt 0
 gucDisplayFlag = 1;
 P2_0 = !P2_0;
void serial0() interrupt 4
 if(RI == 1)
  P2_6 = !P2_6;
  gucRxBuf[gucRxCount] = SBUF;
  if(gucRxCount >= (RFID_CODE_SIZE + CR_LF_SIZE))
   gucRxCount = 0;
   gucReadFlag = 1;
  RI = 0;
void main(void)
 unsigned int i = 0;
 unsigned int j = 0;
 unsigned char ucButton = 0;
 IT0 = 1;     // Interrupt 0 on falling edge
 EX0 = 1;     // External interrupt 0
 EA = 1;      // Enabling the interrupts
 IE = 0x93;
 for(j = 0; j < 15; j++)
  for(i = 0; i < 40000; i++);
 if(P2_0 == 0)
EepromGets(0, 0, &gucWriteAddr[0], 2);
  LcdPuts("Show Book Card:");

  for(i = 0; i < RX_BUF_SIZE; i++)
   gucRxBuf[i] = 0x00;
  gucRxCount = 0; 

  ucButton = ReadCard(&gucBookNumber[0]);
  if(ucButton == 1)
  gucDisplayFlag = 0;
  } while(ucButton == 1);
  if((gucBookNumber[8] != '8') && (gucBookNumber[8] != '9'))
  # if 1
  LcdPuts("Ur Card no.: ");
  for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
  for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
   for(j = 0; j < 40000; j++);
  CardName(gucBookNumber, gucBookName);
  for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
  # endif
  for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
   for(j = 0; j < 40000; j++);
  LcdPuts("Student Card:");
   for(i = 0; i < RX_BUF_SIZE; i++)
    gucRxBuf[i] = 0x00;
   gucRxCount = 0; 
  }while((gucBookNumber[8] == gucStudNumber[8]) && (gucBookNumber[9] == gucStudNumber[9]));

  if((gucStudNumber[8] != '8') && (gucStudNumber[8] != '9'))
  # if 1
  LcdPuts("Ur Card no.: ");
  for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
  for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
   for(j = 0; j < 40000; j++);
  CardName(gucStudNumber, gucStudName);
  for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
  # endif

  StoreEeprom(gucBookNumber, gucStudNumber);
  for(j = 0; j < 10; j++)
   for(i = 0; i < 40000; i++);

void SerialInit(void)
 TMOD = 0x20;
 TH1 = 0xfd;
 SCON = 0x50;
 TR1 = 1;

void DisplayVersion()
 LcdPuts("RFID Ver - 1.0");
 LcdPuts("S.R.Labs - Hyd.");

unsigned char ReadCard(unsigned char *ucCardNumber)
 unsigned char i = 0;
 while((gucReadFlag == 0) && (gucDisplayFlag == 0));
 if(gucDisplayFlag == 1)
  gucDisplayFlag = 0;
  return 1;
 for(i = 0; i < RFID_CODE_SIZE; i++)
  *(ucCardNumber + i) = gucRxBuf[i];
 gucReadFlag = 0;
 return 0;     }
void StoreEeprom(unsigned char *ucBookNumber, unsigned char *ucStudentNumber)
 EepromPuts(gucWriteAddr[0], gucWriteAddr[1], ucBookNumber, 10);
 gucWriteAddr[1] += 10;
 EepromPuts(gucWriteAddr[0], gucWriteAddr[1], ucStudentNumber, 10);
 gucWriteAddr[1] += 10;
 if(gucWriteAddr[1] >= 240)
  gucWriteAddr[1] = 0;
  gucWriteAddr[0] = (gucWriteAddr[0] + 1);
  if(gucWriteAddr[0] >= 255)
   gucWriteAddr[0] = 0;
EepromPuts(0, 0, &gucWriteAddr[0], 2);

void ReadEeprom(unsigned char ucPage, unsigned char ucOffset, unsigned char *ucBookNumber, unsigned char *ucStudentNumber)
 EepromGets(ucPage, ucOffset, ucBookNumber, 10);
 EepromGets(ucPage, (ucOffset + 10), ucStudentNumber, 10);

void CardName(unsigned char *ucCardNumber, unsigned char *ucCardName)
 switch(*(ucCardNumber + 8))
  case '8':
   switch(*(ucCardNumber + 9))
    case '1':
     *(ucCardName) = 'B';
     *(ucCardName + 1) = 'O';
     *(ucCardName + 2) = 'O';
     *(ucCardName + 3) = 'K';
     *(ucCardName + 4) = '1';
    case '2':
     *(ucCardName) = 'B';
     *(ucCardName + 1) = 'O';
     *(ucCardName + 2) = 'O';
     *(ucCardName + 3) = 'K';
     *(ucCardName + 4) = '2';
    case '6':
     *(ucCardName) = 'B';
     *(ucCardName + 1) = 'O';
     *(ucCardName + 2) = 'O';
     *(ucCardName + 3) = 'K';
     *(ucCardName + 4) = '3';
    case 'E':
    case 'e':
     *(ucCardName) = 'S';
     *(ucCardName + 1) = 'T';
     *(ucCardName + 2) = 'U';
     *(ucCardName + 3) = 'D';
     *(ucCardName + 4) = '1';
     *(ucCardName) = 'U';
     *(ucCardName + 1) = 'N';
     *(ucCardName + 2) = 'K';
     *(ucCardName + 3) = 'N';
     *(ucCardName + 4) = 'O';
  case '9':
   *(ucCardName) = 'S';
   *(ucCardName + 1) = 'T';
   *(ucCardName + 2) = 'U';
   *(ucCardName + 3) = 'D';
   *(ucCardName + 4) = '2';
   *(ucCardName) = 'U';
   *(ucCardName + 1) = 'N';
   *(ucCardName + 2) = 'K';
   *(ucCardName + 3) = 'N';
   *(ucCardName + 4) = 'O';
void DisplayData(void)
 unsigned char ucPage  = 0,
        ucOffset  = 0;
 unsigned char ucBookNumber[10],
 unsigned int i,j;
 for(ucPage = 1; ucPage < gucWriteAddr[0]; ucPage++)
  for(ucOffset = 0; ucOffset < 240; ucOffset += 20)
   ReadEeprom(ucPage, ucOffset, &ucBookNumber[0], &ucStudNumber[0]);

   CardName(ucBookNumber, ucBookName);
   CardName(ucStudNumber, ucStudName);

   for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
   for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
   for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < 40000; j++);
 for(ucOffset = 0; ucOffset < gucWriteAddr[1]; ucOffset += 20)
  ReadEeprom(gucWriteAddr[0], ucOffset, &ucBookNumber[0], &ucStudNumber[0]);

  CardName(ucBookNumber, ucBookName);
  CardName(ucStudNumber, ucStudName);

  for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
  for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
  for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
   for(j = 0; j < 40000; j++);

void ClearEeProm(void)
 gucWriteAddr[0] = 1;
 gucWriteAddr[1] = 0;
 EepromPuts(0, 0, &gucWriteAddr[0], 2);


Our readers can be used for Access control, Time & Attendance, Vending machines, industrial and other applications where Reading the data from the Card only is required.
Readers in RFID library are used in the following ways:
Ø  Conversion station: where library data is written to the tag
Ø  Staff workstation at circulation: used to charge and discharge library materials
Ø  Self check-out station: used to check out library materials without staff assistance
Ø  Self check-in station: used to check in library materials without staff assistance
Ø  Exit sensors: to verify that all material leaving the library has been checked out
Ø  Book-drop reader: used to automatically discharge library materials and reactivate security
Ø  Sorter and conveyor: automated system for returning material to proper area of library
Ø  Hand-held reader: used for inventorying and verifying that material is shelved correctly.
LAN Enabled RFID Reader – EAD RFID:
EAD RFID is a combination of our Ethernet Adapter – EAD 01 and the RFID reader module. This unit contains our EAD 01 B Board level Serial to LAN converter, RFID module which can read the Tags and Built-in Antenna to pick up the RFID signal, a buzzer to indicate the successful reading of the card and a LED-indication.
            The Unit can additionally support Time Stamping function with Real Time Clock as an Option. This unit can store up to 20 K of Data in its memory until the Server or PC software polls to pick up the data. (With a 10 digit Tag and Time Stamp, upto800records)
We can also customize this product for System Integrators or Software developers to meet their software requirement.

Common Uses of RFID:
RFID systems can be used just about anywhere, from clothing tags to missiles to pet tags to food - anywhere that a unique identification system is needed. The tag can carry information as simple as a pet owners name and address or the cleaning instruction on a sweater to as complex as instructions on how to assemble a car.
Here are a few examples of how RFID technology is being used in everyday places:
Ø  RFID systems are being used in some hospitals to track a patient's location, and to provide real-time tracking of the location of doctors and nurses in the hospital. In addition, the system can be used to track the whereabouts of expensive and critical equipment, and even to control access to drugs, pediatrics, and other areas of the hospital that are considered "restricted access" areas.
Ø  RFID chips for animals are extremely small devices injected via syringe under skin. Under a government initiative to control rabies, all Portuguese dogs must be RFID tagged by 2007.When scanned the tag can provide information relevant to the dog's history and its owner's information.RFID in retail stores offer real-time inventory tracking that allows companies to monitor and control inventory supply at all times.
Ø  The Orlando/Orange County Expressway Authority (OOCEA) is using an RFID based traffic-monitoring system, which uses roadside RFID readers to collect signals from transponders that are installed in about 1 million E-Pass and Sun Pass customer vehicles.

The reliability of the system, its ease of operation, and the flexibility of tagging all kinds of media easily, are important criteria in choosing an RFID system. The main aim for today's libraries in adopting RFID is the need to increase efficiency and reduce cost. Automation and self-service can help libraries of all sizes achieve these aims, and RFID has the added advantage that it can also provide security for the range of different media offered in libraries. The technology can also improve circulation and inventory control, which helps allocate human and financial resources. This means that libraries can relieve their professional employees of routine work and operational tasks.
All of the tags used in RFID technology for libraries are "passive." The power to read the tags comes from the reader or exit sensor (reader), rather than from a battery within the tag.
A few libraries use "smart" card, which is an RFID card with additional encryption, is an alternative to merely adding an RFID tag on staff and user identification cards. Not only does that identify users for issue and return of library materials, but also for access to restricted areas or services.
This would make it possible to make it into a "debit" card, with value added upon pre-payment to the library and value subtracted when a user used a photocopier, printer, or other fee-based device, or wished to pay fines or fees.
The use of RFID reduces the amount of time required to perform circulation operations. This technology helps librarians eliminate valuable staff time spent scanning barcodes while checking out and checking in borrowed items. For the users, RFID speeds up the borrowing and return procedures.
The readers are highly reliable. Several vendors of RFID library systems claim an almost 100 percent detection rate using RFID tags. Some RFID systems have an interface between the exit sensors and the circulation software to identify the items moving out of the library. Were a library user to leave the library and not be caught, the library would at least know what had been stolen.
If the user card also has an RFID tag, the library will also be able to determine who removed the items without properly charging them.
Other RFID systems encode the circulation status on the RFID tag. This is done by designating a bit as the "theft" bit and turning it off at time of charge and on at time of discharge. If the material that has not been properly charged is taken past the exit gate sensors, an immediate alarm is triggered. Another option is to use both the "theft" bit and the online interface to an integrated library system, the first to signal an immediate alarm and the second to identify what has been taken out.
 High-Speed Inventorying:
A unique advantage of RFID systems is their ability to scan books on the shelves without tipping them out or removing them. A hand-held inventory reader can be moved rapidly across a shelf of books to read all of the unique identification information. Using wireless technology, it is possible not only to update the inventory, but also to identify items, which are out of proper order.
Automated Materials Handling:
Another advantage of RFID technology is automated materials handling. This includes conveyor and sorting systems that can move library materials and sort them by category into separate bins or onto separate carts. This significantly reduces the amount of staff time required to ready materials for re-shelving.

Optional Components:
Optional RFID system includes the following three components: RFID Based Book Tracking System CHAPTER 5 APPLICATIONS & ADVANTAGES
·        RFID Label Printer
·        Handheld Reader
RFID label Printer:
An RFID printer is used to print the labels with an individual barcode, library logo, etc. When the print is applied, it simultaneously programs the data in to the chip. After this process, the RFID label is taken from the printer and applied to the book.
Handheld Reader/Inventory Wand:
The portable handheld reader or inventory wand can be moved along the items on the shelves without touching them. The data goes to a storage unit, which can be downloaded at a server later on, or it can go to a unit, which will transmit it to the server using wireless technology. The inventory wand will cover three requirements:

Screen the complete book collection on the shelves for inventory control Search for books, which are miss helved Search for individual book requested. 

RFID Based Book Tracking System CHAPTER 4 RESULTS



RFID Book Track in
S.R.T.I.S.T, Nalgonda
                      Show Book Card: 0846759BE8
Show Student Card: 0846759DG3
·        At the time of issuing the book the message is displayed as follows:
0846759BE8                         BOOK4                      OUT
0846759DG3                        Student4                    03/04/2008
·        At the time of returning the book the message is displayed as follows:
0846759BE8                         BOOK4                      IN
0846759DG3                        Student4                    08/04/2008


Step 1:  Start.
Step 2: Enable Serial Port interrupt.
Step 3: Initialize Lcd.
Step 4: Initialize Serial Port.
Step 5: Display "Show the card of the Item" on the Lcd.
Step 6: Check whether Display button pressed or Card is shown to the reader.
Step 7: If display button is pressed go to step-10
Step 8: Else if RFID card is shown, go to step-12
Step 9: Else go to 6.
Step 10: Display the entries of EEPROM one by one on the Lcd, containing the Item IN and OUT details.
Step 11: Go to step 6.
Step 12: Read the card number
Step 13: Read the date and time
Step 14: Check if the card is already stored as "IN"
Step 15: If the card is already stored as IN, make it as OUT with date and time.
Step 16: Else store the card number along with date and time in EEPROM
Step 17: Go to step 6.
Step 18: Stop.